• Little People Big World

    by Naomi Lippett | Apr 15, 2020




    Convoy had an exciting opportunity recently to be part of a beloved television show! Little People Big World, airing on TLC, is a show about Matt Roloff and his family, and focuses on family relationships, the challenges of owning Roloff Farms, and navigating an average-sized world as a little person.

    The show has a huge group of dedicated fans and has just started airing its 20th season. Convoy Supply was happy to provide fencing materials for a new project on the Roloff Farm, and it was great to meet the cast and crew. We hope you enjoy watching the episode, and seeing our driver Shelby as he makes the delivery to the farm!

    The episode premiered on April 14, 2020, and is called "Matt Roloff's Wall". Here's a photo from delivery day. From left to right, Convoy driver Shelby Harader, star and producer Matt Roloff, Convoy account manager Chad Heppner, and Lucy, Matt's dog.