Oct 22, 2018

Capitol Heights Branch hosts the DC Commercial Construction Community

Convoy’s newest branch held an open house on October 18th for the commercial construction community, celebrating a successful first summer season in the DC Beltway. Contractors, architects, suppliers of building envelope products, our partners from the BEST Group, and a wide range of other construction industry professionals spent a sunny afternoon enjoying the festivities. The event featured live music from the Gray Brothers Band, a BBQ, a tabletop tradeshow, giveaways, prizes from our generous supply partners, and product demos by SOPREMA, Chemlink, Aquafin, Rockwool, and Hunter Panels.

Refreshments and tradeshow booths

Refreshments are ready, with tradeshow booths lining the background where our supply partners can show off the latest in commercial materials.


Food prepared for our commercial construction guests

No one goes hungry at our open houses.


A crane loading a truck with insulation

An open house doesn't mean the branch stops working!


Demonstrating SOPREMA Aslan flashing

Product demos and technical training are an important part of the Capitol Heights branch’s operations, including SOPREMA Aslan flashing (above).


Commercial Product Demo at Capitol Heights

Rock band at DC Commercial Construction event The Gray Brothers Band rocked it for an appreciative crowd! The Gray Brothers Band rocked it for an appreciative crowd!


Convoy Supply's Jamie Mantle and Alma Garnett

Vice President of Sales Jamie Mantle and President Alma Garnett enjoying the show.


Demonstrating the Capitol Heights Training Room

Branch Manager Troy Steen gives Convoy Operations Manager Hussain Kheatani details of the capabilities of the training facility.


Richard Voyer, Alma Garnett, Jamie Mantle, and Troy Steen

Richard Voyer -Executive Vice President, SOPREMA North America, Alma Garnett – President, Convoy Supply, Jamie Mantle – Vice President of Sales, Convoy Supply, and Troy Steen, Capitol Heights Branch Manager, Convoy Supply


Team Convoy, BEST Group, and guests

Team Convoy, our partners from the BEST Group, and a few Convoy visitors, ready for whatever challenges the Capitol Region has! 


Customers walking away with merch bags

And everyone went home happy...