Jul 30, 2019

Convoy Staff Save a Life


One of Convoy's extensive fleet of delivery trucks.


Four Convoy employees recently demonstrated quick thinking in a moment of crisis. Randy Caldwell, Corey Caldwell, James Inforzato, and Joshua Jimcoily were loading a Tacoma-area roof in late June and, due to onsite construction vehicles, had to park their crane on the side of the road. This is not an uncommon situation, so they were able to do it in accordance with all safety protocols and regulations.

While they were working, they noticed smoke coming from the rear of their truck. They moved quickly to discover the cause and found a pickup truck had struck the back of their vehicle, with the driver of the smoking pickup slumped inside, unconscious. The accelerator was fully depressed, and the pickup’s rear tire had exploded, the rim still spinning with rubber and fragments of steel belt attached.

Our crew removed the driver from the pickup, shut off the engine, and called 9-1-1. James immediately started CPR compressions; he continued to administer compressions until the emergency personnel arrived on-scene and took over. The driver was stabilized and taken to hospital; the EMTs informed our crew that the man would have died without their intervention.

As their branch manager, Jeremiah Woodring, said, “Take some time to learn first aid and CPR. It saves lives, and it works.”

Well done to James, Joshua, Corey, and Randy for quick thinking in an emergency, making the accident scene safe, and saving the victim’s life. All of Team Convoy is proud of you.